Thursday, 29 May 2014

2 Step Verification - what is it and why you need it.

Stronger security for your Google Account
Phishing scams seem to be the order of the day - and more and more of these emails are making their way into mailboxes across the world. The suggestion that we have for all our users is to activate 2 Step verification. With 2-Step Verification, you’ll protect your account with both your password and your phone and those pesky phishing email scams will become a thing of the past.
Why do you need it?
There is a phishing scam that goes around and users are being caught out by it time and time again. When you give these scam artists your email address and password they have access to ALL your email, email contacts and documents. Using 2 step verification will help keep the bad guys out - even when they have your password. This will also help with POPI compliance - so please read the rest of this mail and follow the steps to get set up!

We are encouraging all our users to get set up and sorted out with 2 Step verification for their own protection. So either read more below - or click on the blue button to get started.
How does it work?
Signing in to your account will work a little differently. Once you have 2 Step verification set up you will:
  1. Enter your password - Whenever you sign in to Google, you'll enter your password as usual.
  2. Enter a verification code - Then, you'll be asked for a code that will be sent to your phone via text, voice call, or the mobile app.
Keep sign-in simple

During sign-in, you can tell us not to ask for a code again on that particular computer. From then on, that computer will only ask for your password when you sign in.

You'll still be covered, because when you or anyone else tries to sign in to your account from another computer, a verification code will be required.
How it protects you.
An extra layer of security is added - so you will protect your account with something you know (your password) and  something you have (your phone).

The verification codes are uniquely crafted for your account when you need them. They will be sent to your phone via text, voice call, or the mobile app. Each code can only be used once.

With this 2 step verification in place if someone gets your email password through a phishing scam - your account is safe - because they will also need your phone to get into your account!
What about the email on your phone?
You will set up app specific passwords - which are passwords you only have to enter once on your smartphone or tablet to make sure your email is available on there. To set those up - click here.

These are awesome passwords because:
  • You don’t have to remember it, because you only have to enter it once and can generate a new one anytime
  • You only need it when you want to authorize a device, a mobile application (such as a Gmail app on your mobile phone) to connect to your Google Account
  • If you lose a phone or stop using an application that was authorized with an application-specific password, it is easy to revoke the application-specific password for that application.
What are all the different ways of getting codes?
Get codes via text message

Google can send verification codes to your cell phone via text message. Your carrier's standard messaging rates may apply.
Backup phone numbers

Add backup phone numbers so Google has another way to send you verification codes in case your main phone is unavailable.
Want a phone call instead?

Google can call your cell or landline phone with your verification code.
Backup codes

You can print or download one-time use backup codes for times when your phones are unavailable, such as when you travel.
No connection, no problem

The Google Authenticator app for Android, iPhone, or BlackBerry can generate verification codes. It even works when your device has no phone or data connectivity.
Register your computers

During sign-in, you can tell us not to ask for a code again on your computer. We'll still ask for codes on other computers.
So the combination of 2 Step Verification and Google Vault will go far in ensuring and increasing the safety of your Google Apps Account. Want more information on the Google Apps solutions for companies?  Give us a call.

Friday, 9 May 2014

What's been happening at OpenNetworks?

We have been rather quiet lately and we are sorry about that - but it has been with good reason!
A couple of features have been refined for our users - check below to see what has changed.

Adding contacts and organisations to meetings and calls has always been focused on ensuring all the correct information is linked to the right business and contact. So we have made a change and the system will now do it for you. All you have to make sure of is that the contact is linked to the correct organisations.
Then it becomes as easy as:
Add a contact to the call - just click in the contact field and type in the name of the person you want linked.
You will see that the organisation is automatically added. If the contact is linked to more than one organisation - you will be asked to choose one!
You can then set the time and date for the call and last but not least - give the call a name. Just click on the three dots next to call name...
And your call name is automatically created for you - the organisation name and the firstname of the person. Remember to make a note if the call is far in the future - else you may forget what you need to call them about! For more info on calls and how to use that feature - click here.
The same happens in meetings - you add your contacts to the meeting and hit save - the organisation that they are linked to will be added to the meetings as well. Quick and easy. For more info on using meetings - click here.

And what about Google? Those guys have also been very busy - with New Google Sheets and new Mobile Apps for Docs and Sheets.
Check out the recap that Google put together for April and keep an eye on the Google Apps update blogs.
As always - let us know any feedback and questions or ideas!