Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Don't just take our word for it.......

Check out what some of our clients have to say......
Over the years OpenNetworks has helped a few companies make the change to Google Apps and step into the world of Cloud Computing. For many of our clients the move to the Cloud is an exciting yet nerve wracking journey, with results only becoming apparent after the initial "change shock" has worn off. We find this takes about three months and after that no one ever wants to go back.

So we rallied a couple of clients and asked them about their "a-ha!" moments using Google Apps and where cloud computing saved the day!

"After a lifetime of Outlook, making the jump to Gmail was a bit of a frightening experience. 'But it just doesn't look the same,' I thought to myself? It's all about change management and well, just learning something new.

I love working with Gmail now, knowing what I have endless storage and unlimited access. Wherever I might find myself in the world, as long as I have an internet connection, I have access to my mails! This has proven invaluable a countless number of times, and to be honest I couldn't imagine having to set up my mail in all the possible environments I use it, if it was not GMail it would be near impossible!

As for the document collaboration, I suppose different companies have differing needs. Recently we had a situation where a last minute tender (you know what tenders can be like), found five of us working from five separate environments on one document. There would have been no other way to do it! Compiling our tender was so simple using Google Docs and Drive and working together meant we also completed it in half the time (which was really helpful)! Needless to say the tender was submitted with time to spare!

We are looking forward to learning more about the Google products we have available to us and how best we can apply them in our business."

- Amy Davis, Marketing Manager BEX Express

Cycan made the change and moved over to Google Apps earlier in 2014 and even though some users embraced the change others were a little more hesitant - until Google Docs proved its' worth!

"One morning I was greeted by a sweating colleague who had discovered that she had deleted half of her document and wasn't able to recover it. Understanding how much work had been put into the document, I panicked, until she said that it was a Google Doc. Having recently moved to Google Apps with OpenNetworks, I knew that there would be a handy document history that meant I could restore what had been lost the evening before.

Still new to the process, and still a little weary that it would indeed work, the phone at OpenNetworks was soon ringing. Within minutes the team at OpenNetworks had helped me to restore the document to a previous version and teach the office a few new cool tricks.

It's times like these that trying something a little different pays off! Thanks Google Apps and OpenNetworks!"

- Stuart Wainwright, Head of Operations

If you would like to know how Google Apps and OpenNetworks can make these types of changes for your business - get in touch!

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